Course Curriculum
Duration of Degree Programme
Each of the degree is a four-year programme divided into 8 academic semesters.
Academic Semester and duration
There are two regular semesters (Semester I and Semester II) in an academic year. The semester I will start in January and semester II in July of each academic year.
The duration of regular semester I & II will be of 22 weeks each. The duration of each semester will be as follows :
Classes 16 weeks
Recess before Semester Final Examination 02 weeks
Semester Final Examination [Theory and Practical (approx)] 02 weeks
Result preparation and publication 02 weeks
Total 22 weeks
For the candidates failed in maximum two courses, there will be make up examination at the end of each semester final examination. A student obtained 'F' grades in one or two courses (maximum) in a semester will be allowed to enroll in the next semester if his/her GPA is 2.5 or above. However, he/she will have a second chance to sit for first makeup examination (final) of the failed course(s) paying required fees. If failed agian in tge first make-up examination, he/she will be allowed to sit for 2nd makeup examination paying required fees. If a student fails to clear 'F' grade(s) in his/her 1st and 2nd makeup examinations he/she will back to the failed semester.
Grading System
Numerical Grade Letter Grade Grade Point
80% or above A+ (A plus) 4.00
75% to Less than 80% A (A regular) 3.75
70% to Less than 75% A - (A minus) 3.50
65% to Less than 70% B+ (B plus) 3.25
60% to Less than 65% B (B regular) 3.00
55% to Less than 60% B - (B minus) 2.75
50% to Less than 55% C+ (C plus) 2.50
45% to Less than 50% C (C regular) 2.25
40% to less than 45% D 2.00
Less than 40% F (Failed) 0.00
As a part of the‘ academic curriculum students at levels 3 & 4 are required to perform study tour for enriching their practical knowledge. In addition students have to perform Farm & Home Visit, Agricultural Survey, Visit to Research Organizations, Extension Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) and a weeklong Extension Field Trip at Upazilla level as the practical assignments of the Department of Agricultural Extension and Information System.


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